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‘I’m Cristiano Ronaldo’ Footie star hits out at judge in taxes case

REAL Madrid ace Cristiano Ronaldo has accused a judge of picking on him because of his star status.

The Portuguese winner was quizzed by magistrates in Madrid over claims he has dodged more than £13 million in taxes.

But Ronaldo fired back at Judge Mónica Gómez Ferrer for using his celebrity status for the case, he claimed.
He reportedly said: “If I wasn’t called Cristiano Ronaldo I wouldn’t be sat here.”
Judge Ferrer said there had been plenty of “normal people” sat in his chair.


She said: “You are mistaken. Plenty of anonymous people have sat where you are.
“You are under investigation for an alleged financial crime based on the evidence provided and upon which it is my duty to make a ruling.”
If the star is found guilty, he could face three and half years in jail and a whopping £25 million fine.
The father of three released a statement denying all accusations against him.
He said: “The Spanish tax authorities know my income in detail, because we have given it to them.
“I have never hidden anything in my declarations, nor have I had the smallest intention of evading taxes.”
Barcelona star Lionel Messi was fined more than £200,000 after being convicted of hiding image right royalties, the same thing Ronaldo is accused of.

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