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C.Ronaldo footed medical bills for hundreds injured in Portugal wildfires

FOOTBALL star Cristiano Ronaldo’s sister has revealed he paid the medical bills for hundreds of people injured in the devastating Portuguese wildfires.

People ave flocked to praise the football star, telling him he has a 'heart of gold'

Pop star Katia Aveiro posted a link to a report about the Real Madrid’s forward’s generosity on her Facebook page.
Cristiano Ronaldo fanpage O Eterno Melhor Do Mundo claimed on Thursday in a Facebook post: “Cristiano Ronaldo paid for the medical treatment of the 370 people injured in the Portuguese wildfires.”
Katia, one of the Real Madrid forward’s three siblings, responded with her own Facebook post applauding the move and writing: “This is a good way to react.”
Cristiano, who comes from Madeira, took to Facebook after the weekend wildfires which claimed the lives of 42 people to say: “It’s impossible to remain indifferent to this tragedy. Solidarity with the relatives and friends of the victims.

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