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Brand Guidelines to follow

This is to inform you that, you can’t do following things on Reebok campaign. Brand Bidding or SEM for Reebok website Flat 60% off Upto 70% Off Flat 70% Off ...
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This is to inform you that, you can’t do following things on Reebok campaign.

  1. Brand Bidding or SEM for Reebok website
  2. Flat 60% off
  3. Upto 70% Off
  4. Flat 70% Off
  5. Up to 80% Off
  6. Flat 80% Off
  7. Upto 90% Off
  8. Flat 90% Off
  9. Sending Email before approval from client.

If any of these terms are violated then all payments would be stopped by the client.

Please follow below terms for promotions

  1. Up to 60% off
  2. Before sending emailer, send a test mail to client then get approval on same mail
  3. Run promotions after client’s approval only


Kind regards,
affiliate program ReebokCPS

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