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No, YouTube isn’t dead for those who want to earn. Yes, you can do it

Many gossips are spread that it is almost impossible to get profit on YouTube and all channel creators are mostly brokes. But that is not truth as many youtubers make ...
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Many gossips are spread that it is almost impossible to get profit on YouTube and all channel creators are mostly brokes. But that is not truth as many youtubers make good money on their videos using affiliate marketing.

As a matter of fact, YouTube is not only a way to earn but also a hobby for those who become famous through it. And it is kind of the best part of being a YouTuber — you make money on your hobby and you enjoy the process. Just take a look at several gaming channels, their creators love what they do and it brings high profit.

Looks awesome, doesn’t it?Check the articles how to create a channel and earn on it:

How to create a business channel on YouTube

A simple but detailed instruction on how to start a channel and attract first viewers to it. Several tips on how to fill your channel so that it doesn’t look empty and why such elements as thumbnail, title and description play the major role in the race for viewers.

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To be or not to be an influencer on YouTube? Earning on YouTube

Here you can find the principles which successful influencers follow so that no to fail while communicating with audience. Plus several lifehacks and models on how to make money through YouTube.

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